Here you can see the months the Mediaries have named. This Calendar has equal 12 months of 30 days following the moon cycles
of the world of memento mori.
Oman, Month of prophetie and anticipation
Navan, Month of renewal and forgiveness
Vassan, Month of peace and protection
Meldor, Month of enlightenement and discovery
Egor, month of Strengthening and resilience
Quealtor, month of leadership and companionship
Faldur, month of
Yorul, month of plenty and sharing
Magnul, Month of dedication and
Umanae, month of mystery and curiosity
Ostarae, month of
Nayae, month of vows and promises
LĂșn, month of judgement. This month happens only once every 72 years and comes with cosmic events throughout the month.
Auroras alongside solar, lunar and constalation eclispes. It is believe this moon to be where the world is the closest to the underworld.